Index of /olemissproposal3/inlinex

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 _vti_cnf/ 2008-07-10 10:33 -  
 frame0.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame1.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame2.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame3.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame4.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame5.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame6.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame7.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame8.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 frame9.html 2008-07-10 10:33 1.2K 
 resources/ 2008-07-10 10:33 -  
 ws_ftp.log 2008-07-10 10:33 4.1K 

Tab Navigation

Tab Navigation - by brothercake

To include the script on your page, paste this code at the end of the <body> section:

You could put it at the beginning, but then it will load first, causing a slightly longer delay before there's any visible content on your page. Wherever you put the script include, it must not be inside any other containing elements.

All the customisation information is at the top of tabs.js; open it with a plain text editor such as notepad or textpad, and configure the variables.

top | style definitions | tab link definitions | control variables | browser support

Style definitions

zINDEX            // base z-order

define the base z-index, bringing the nav structure above (or below) other page content if necessary. The script creates a different number of layers in different browsers, but the total stack is never larger than 20.

baseHREF// base path

set the location of the tabs script and images relative to the page it's on.

In frameset, inline or blank targetting modes, a relative path is fine, because the tabs script is only going to be on one page. However if you use self targetting mode and the pages which use the script are in different folders, you will need to define an absolute root location, from which baseHREF is a relative path

linkTARGET// link target

the base target for all the tab links - the options are "_self", "_blank", "inline" or "framename" where framename is the name of the target frame. If you define it as "" it will default to "_self"

As well as defining the target, this variable sets the fundamental configuration:

  • linkTARGET = "_self" [demo]

    puts the nav on single pages which target themselves - in which case the script include should be on each page on which you want the nav to appear. If you use this configuration, the script will check each page url with the link definitions to find out which tab should be raised onload - if you include the script on a page which isn't listed then none of the tabs will be raised.

    Please note:

    If you use self targetting mode and the pages which use the script are in different folders, you will need to define an absolute root location, from which baseHREF and the tab links are relative paths. This is necessary because the script needs to know where the tabs script and images are, and where each page is, relative to its current location, for autoUpdate and the tab-raising function to work.

    This is what to do:

    1. add this routine at the top of your customisation; it reads the location.href to discover if you're using a live or local copy, and then defines an absolute path:

      var rootHREF = "";
      var thisLoc = document.location.href;
      if ((thisLoc.indexOf("http://")==-1)&&(thisLoc.indexOf("wysiwyg://")==-1)) {
         rootHREF = "C:/Cake/Internet/WebPages/";
         if (op5||op6) { rootHREF = "file://localhost/C:/Cake/Internet/WebPages/"; }
         if (ns4||ns6||mz7) { rootHREF = "file:///C|/Cake/Internet/WebPages/"; }

      You will need to change the paths to suit your situation. Ensure that they do not contain any spaces, or the tab-raising may not work.

    2. Define baseHREF relative to this:

      var baseHREF = rootHREF+"tabs/resources/";

    3. Define your tab links relative to this, eg:


    You can see a demo of this working [here]

  • linkTARGET = "_blank" [demo]

    might be useful for triggering a series of information or picture windows. If you use this mode, it's possible to customise the blank windows by defining window properties for them.

    Blank targetting should not be used to open windows which themselves contain the same tabs script; it won't work properly

  • linkTARGET = "inline" [demo]

    draws a complete rectangle with the tabs at the top edge, like a dialogue box; there's an iframe in the center and links are loaded into this. If you use inline mode and you have other iframes on the same page, you'll need to specify the tab-frame's location in the frames array.

    However netscape 4 doesn't support inline frames, so it works by loading pages into a layer, using the src attribute of the <layer> tag. Some things you should bear in mind when using inline targetting with netscape 4:

    • css on the inline pages may not be preserved
    • forms on the inline pages may not appear
    • the pages will have default body margins of 0
    • links on inline pages do not target the inline layer as they do with iframes, you would need to use javascript: urls to change the layer src
    • no history events are recorded
    • netscape layers do not scroll - only above-the-fold content will be accessible. It is possible to simulate scrolling behaviour ... but the script does not include this because it takes too much code, and lots more images

    Basically, interactive content inside an inline layer in netscape 4 is not going to be easy to implement. Well it isn't. If you have something quite complex in mind, it may save your sanity just to exclude netscape 4 from the outset, which you can do using the allowILayer variable.

  • linkTARGET = "framename" [demo]

    as part of a frameset, where the nav is in one frame and targets to another. Define the framename, and then build a frameset something like this:

      <frameset rows="40,*" frameborder=0 border=0>
         <frame src="tabs.html" name="tabframe" scrolling=no noresize>
         <frame src="mainpage.html" name="bottom" scrolling=auto noresze>

    where the tabs.js script include goes in tabs.html. It will also work inside more complex framesets, but the script only supports a single target.

    If you use this mode, you must define a framename - it is not sufficient to target to _parent, _sibling or _top, since the script queries the lack of an underscore in the target name to know that you're using a frameset, and to adjust some size and position values accordingly. Consequently, you can't use frame names which contain underscores.

    The script also assumes that the frame which contains the nav is set not to scroll (so no scrollbar is present), and this assumption is part of the width calculation if you set the frame width to 100%, or the positioning calculation if you set the main alignment to "center" or "right"

frameNUM// frame number (if inline target)

if you're using inline targetting, the script assumes that the iframe is element [0] in the frames array. If this is not the case, because you have other iframes on the same page, use this value to specify the tab-frame's location in the array.

In explorer you can find out like this:


linkCURSOR// cursor type (ie and ns6 only)

specify the link cursor used for the tabs. This is only supported in internet explorer and netscape 6

frTOP// absolute top position

the distance of the tab structure's containing layer from the top of the browser window, in pixels

frLEFT// left/right offset (if bar !center aligned & width!=0)

the distance of the containing layer from the left or right of the browser window (depending on the main alignment), in pixels. This will not have any effect if the layer is centrally aligned or the frame width is set to 100%

frALIGN// main alignment (if width!=0)

global alignment in the browser window, the choices are "left", "center" or "right". If you set the frame width to 100%, then this value will have no effect.

frPADDING// frame cellpadding

the relative cellpadding between the containing layer and the tabs structure itself

frWIDTH// total frame width

the total width of the containing layer, in pixels.

The width of the tab structure's baseline is calculated from this value, and is equal to (frWIDTH - (frPADDING * 2)). Therefore if the tabs are designed to be exactly the width of the baseline (like the inline demo) then an increase in the frame padding will require an increase in the frame width, or a reduction in the tab widths. If you're using the nav as part of a frameset, this calculation is based on an assumption that the nav frame is set not to scroll.

If you set frWIDTH = 0; then the tabs will be 100% of the available width

frHEIGHT// total frame height (if inline target)

if you're using inline targetting, this variable controls the total height of the containing layer

frCOLOR// frame background color

the background color of the containing layer. Specify a hex color value or a GIF or JPEG image. Color transparency is not supported - if you set this value as frCOLOR="" it will default to light grey. However you can make it transparent by using the blank gif that comes with the script: var frCOLOR = "blank.gif";

tALIGN// relative alignment of tabs

specify the alignment of the tabset relative to the containing layer, the choices are "left", "center" or "right".

If you have the nav set up so that the baseline is exactly the right size for the tabs (like the inline demo), then you might find that using center alignment causes a 1px discrepancy in the raised-tab position - because the center point is calculated from the available free space divided by two, which might not be an integer.

If this happens, setting tALIGN = "left"; will cure it

tINDENT// tab structure indent

indent the tabs relative to the baseline. If the tabs alignment is set to "left" or "right" you'll get indentation from the baseline's edge; if it's set to "center" then you'll get an offset from the center position

tvPAD// tab vertical padding

specify vertical cellpadding for the tabs

ftOPACITY// flat tabs opacity (win/ie and ns6 only)

specify an opacity filter to make the flat tabs translucent. This is only supported in windows versions of internet explorer and the gecko browsers

rtCOLOR// raised tab override color

optionally specify a hex color value, or a GIF or JPEG image.

The raised tab normally inherits the background of its corresponding flat tab, as specified in the tab link definitions. Setting a value other than rtCOLOR = ""; will override all the raised tabs to this background.

ttALIGN// tab text alignment

the alignment of link text inside the tabs, the choices are "left", "center" or "right".

ttINDENT// tab text indent (if text !center aligned)

if the tab text alignment is set to "left" or "right", you can indent the text relative to the tab edges

tvOFFSET// tab text vertical offset (+/-)

by default, link text is vertically aligned in the middle of the tabs; this variable allows you to offset the text down (+) or up (-) the specified number of pixels

fSIZE// font size

The size is fixed absolutely in ie and ns4, but can be changed in the mozilla 5 browsers, potentially screwing up the whole layout. I suggest calm fatalism. Opera has a "zoom" feature which increases the magnification of the whole page in proportion, so relative positions and sizes should remain intact.

fFACE// font face

if you use unusual fonts it's wise to specify alternatives, eg:

    var fFACE = "tempus sans itc,garamond,times new roman,serif";

If you use cursive fonts such as comic sans ms, you may need to do some tweaking with the tab vertical padding to get it to look okay, because cursive fonts are bigger than a specified pixel size. Monotype fonts are unpredictable, since they are sized differently in different browsers.

I recommend you always end a choice of fonts with one which is universally available - either Helvetica (sans serif) or Times (serif). This is essential if you want your tabs to be universally readable - for example, in ie4 sp2 over a new installation of Windows 95, the default cursive font is wingdings!

fWEIGHT// font weight

the choices are "normal" or "bold"

rfCOLOR// raised font override color

optionally specify a hex color value.

The raised tab-text normally inherits the color of its corresponding flat tab, as specified in the tab link definitions. Setting a value other than rfCOLOR = ""; will override all the raised tab links to this color.

top | style definitions | tab link definitions | control variables | browser support

Tab link definitions

The tab links are defined using an array building function. You can add more links to the navbar simply by copying and repeating this function. There is no limit to how many you can have, but it makes sense to keep the total navbar width below about 750 pixels, so it fits on 800x600 monitors.


the link URL. If you use frameset, inline or blank targetting modes then relative links are fine, because they're all starting from the same place.

However if you use self targetting mode and the pages which use the script are in different folders, you will need to define an absolute root location, from which the tab links are relative paths.

"Tab Navigation"       

the link text.


the width of the tab, in pixels. If a tab is too narrow for its link, causing the next to wrap, you can adjust the tab vertical padding to compensate.


the tab color. Specify a hex color value or a GIF or JPEG image. When the tab is raised it will inherit this background, unless you've defined a raised tab override color. Transparency is not supported - if you set this value to "" it will default to light grey.


the baseline color. Specify a hex color value or a GIF or JPEG image.

The baseline is the horizontal strip that runs along the bottom of the tabs structure, or as an enclosing frame in inline mode. This variable allows you to control its background independent of the raised tab, so that mixed image-color setups are possible, to very funky effect, as the frameset demo so nicely demonstrates :)

If you set this value to "" it will inherit the tab background.


the tab text color, as a hex color value. When the tab is raised it will retain this color, unless you've defined a raised font override color.

top | style definitions | tab link definitions | control variables | browser support

Control variables

Underneath the link definition arrays are four control variables which have a have a global effect in particular modes:

top | style definitions | tab link definitions | control variables | browser support

Browser support

= supported   = not supported   = untested

   Windows    Mac    Linux 
Internet Explorer 4  
Internet Explorer 5  
Internet Explorer 6 ?  
Mozilla 0.6+
Netscape 4
Netscape 6
Opera 5 ?
Opera 6   ?