The Daily Muse: Poem of the Day (POD) "Your spiritual speed-bump on the information superhighway!" #336 "Today I am more than ever frightened. I wish it would dawn upon engineers that, in order to be an engineer, it is not enough to be an engineer." -Jose Ortega y Gasset "Devout believers are safeguarded in a high degree against the risk of certain neurotic illnesses; their acceptance of the universal neurosis spares them the task of constructing a personal one."—Freud God Eliminated Evil Yesterday God eliminated evil yesterday. He was sick and tired of hearing people say, "How could a good God let such things go on?" Indeed, a new improved God saw to it, But I doubt He really thought through it, ‘Cause you should see the unemployment lines. In Boston they are really long, with all The hospitals we have, every doctor, Nurse, researcher, and technician got the ax, Along with the majority of lawyers And police. The military got the boot En masse. The UN and the Pentagon Went belly up along with Boeing And the rest. Old Uncle Sam lost more than drawers From his war chest: he lost his bureaucratic best. Tornadoes, lightning, earthquakes and the like Have been eliminated, too. And, yes, Red Cross is in the red and laying off Folks left and right, ‘cause there’s no famine left To fight, or sickness, poverty, or war, And now that leprosy has got a cure Mother Theresa has been shown the door. And then there’s over-population: no one dies Except in bed asleep at 85. F can’t equal MA ‘cause it causes wrecks, And gravity got nixed to counter falls. In fact, no movement is allowed at all. The ocean is six inches deep to keep People from drowning, but the whales are bummed, And all the surfers have to get real jobs. No one can join the Peace Core anymore, The oldest profession has closed its door, And there’s no need to try to change the world, Which no longer needs a change, except maybe (I know it sounds perverse) for the worse: It’s Sodom and Gomorrah in reverse.