The Daily Muse: Poem of the Day (POD) "Your spiritual speed-bump on the information superhighway!" #243 "The rooster of lust, the peacock of wanting to be famous, the crow of ownership, and the duck of urgency... There is a duck inside you. Her bill is never still, searching through dry and wet alike...always thinking, 'There's no time! I won't get another chance!"--Rumi Zarathustra Found 1. Man shall be overcome, a mere conflict between plant and ghost, a rope tied between a dangerous across, an on-the-way, a looking back, a stop shuddering, a bridge, an overture, an arrow. 2. The time has come for man to plant the seed of his highest hope. The ele- mentalness gives birth to dancing stars, longing, go- ing under the other separate shore, finite, a coming home. 3. I want once and for all not to know many things; wisdom sets limits, too. Despise all systems, they lack integrity. On- ly thoughts reached by walking... concerning life, it is no good, a long sickness, yet, remain. 4. Ravens inspired by whiffs of carrion, all great sages are object- ions to themselves, their judge- ments symptoms, question marks, un-wisdom, types of de- cline, concept-mummies, lack- ing history. Honest- y carries no reasons in its hands. What must be proved is worthless, dialectic's buffoon. *Note: the above is a found poem taken from the writings of Nietzsche with approximately 6 syllables per line and nine lines per stanza.