The wRite mh 1/31/98 A constant battle rages between those who would use swords and those who would use words. To each a champion: the killers a proven war-horse with blood caked hands, the thinkers a young poetress of thought-filled mind. To each their strategic ground: he a field of battle, she a plane of paper. Measuring the other they circle round: he unsheathes his weapon and prepares to fight, she withdraws a pen and makes ready to write. He strikes first with deadly swing, she blocks with defensive verse. The poetress releases an argument with a sharp point, he dodges with ignorance. The warrior proud bombards her with balls of flame, voided with a metaphor comparing them to clouds. She writes a treatise on the evils of war, he desecrates all treaties. The war goes on: second to second millennium to millennium to the end of time. One can destroy flesh with push of button, the other can altar souls by swipe of pen.